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About Us

We are a UK based charity and our projects have been welcomed internationally. 

Our work centres around women and the challenges they face. 

Our successful fund raising events,  have contributed to our Baby & Me, TearDrop and the Iqra projects. Donations has contributed in a small but significant way in developing strategies that improves women's lives by offering access to health care, mental heath support and education.

Since 2015, our success in helping the community has been made possible thanks to people just like you. With your generous contribution, no matter how small, we are able to truly make a difference. We are grateful for any help you can provide, and guarantee it will change lives for the better.

There’s more than one way that you can help. Whether you want to work, volunteer, or donate to SAKA International, there are plenty of ways to join us in making a real difference. Check out the opportunities to get involved and contact us if you have any questions. We appreciate your interest.

Our board of directors are from a variety of professional backgrounds. They are dedicated to the mission of creating immediate and lasting change in the lives of women.

Feeling Mom's Tummy


Raising standards in women's healthcare.

We collaborate with health and family welfare centres globally to provide ongoing support. Our efforts include supplying medical equipment and promoting health initiatives for both mothers and healthcare staff, ensuring better care and well-being worldwide.


Unite to end sexual violence against Women

Our organisation provides sexual health screenings and partners with NGOs and healthcare practitioners to offer victims free medical check-ups, health education, counselling, and support. By doing so, we help prevent the spread of infections, promote overall well-being, and empower individuals with the knowledge and care they need for long-term health.


Empowering Women Through Education

Education for women and for those with refugee status is a critical and challenging issue. We are addressing the critical and complex challenge and aim to create sustainable and inclusive solutions. We use a holistic, collaborative approach with governments, NGOs, international agencies, and local communities.

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Why volunteer with SAKA ...

We rely on support from government funding private businesses, NGOs, and people like you to create sustainable change in the United Kingdom or internationally. The financial aid we receive makes a big difference in how we conduct our programs here at SAKA International.


However, if you prefer to donate your time and energy, we’d love to use your skills and talents in a capacity that helps the lives of our charity's recipients.

At SAKA International, we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to help women. We welcome you to join our endeavors aimed at improving women's lives.


Contact us to learn how you can become part of the change.

Volunteer with Us
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